All posts in March 2024

Biodynamics at TNNM

Hamish Mackay brings 40 years of experience and know how to Biodynamics.

In the 1970’s he was a key player in implementing major improvements to the Australian wool industry by transitioning wool to sale by sample and description. Hamish pioneered the commercial use of controlled atmosphere grain storage for pest management, making it possible to export biodynamic and organic grain. This is now common grain storage practice. His work at the Demeter Bakery in Sydney in the 1980’s helped create greater community awareness of the role food and nutrition play in ongoing human health and well-being.

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TNNM Green Hub is here!

The Never Never Mind Green Hub is opening next Tuesday (March 5) and Wednesday with bread and egg pick up available from 3pm.

Thursday will be a Green Market day with locally grown spray free produce available. The Patch Organics is delivering chickens and veggies as well.