Biodynamics at TNNM

Hamish Mackay brings 40 years of experience and know how to Biodynamics.

In the 1970’s he was a key player in implementing major improvements to the Australian wool industry by transitioning wool to sale by sample and description. Hamish pioneered the commercial use of controlled atmosphere grain storage for pest management, making it possible to export biodynamic and organic grain. This is now common grain storage practice. His work at the Demeter Bakery in Sydney in the 1980’s helped create greater community awareness of the role food and nutrition play in ongoing human health and well-being.

Hamish is an adept educator in biodynamics and well known for his ability to build skill and capacity in the workshops he facilitates across Australia.

Biodynamics2024 invites you to get involved and help make a significant difference. It is in our hands; the health of our Earth and therefore our own health depends on each and every one of us influencing the way we produce food.

At its heart, biodynamics aims to leave the planet enriched for future generations by offering sustainable growing methods that regenerate the environment and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

What is Biodynamics?

Biodynamics is a new way of thinking — an ethical ecological approach to sustainable agriculture, food production and nutrition.

It was developed in the 1920’s by Rudolf Steiner in response to questions by farmers already concerned with reversing the noticeable degeneration in plant and animal fertility and health.

Today, biodynamics encompasses a multitude of successful farms, vineyards and market gardens of all shapes and sizes on all continents. Biodynamics is well known to enhance the nutrition and quality of the food being produced.

Hamish Mackay talking about Biodynamics at the NNM on the evening of the 18th March 5:30pm. Entry by donation.