Winter Fireside Yoga with Anita

Yoga is a spiritual practice leading to Union with the Divine. From practising yoga for over 30 years I have developed a Wholistic approach, combining Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation and Meditation.

ASANA –  the postures bring health and wellbeing to the body and focus the mind. Asanas teach us to control and master our bodies in order that we are able to sit, comfortably for long periods in meditation to achieve Union with the Divine.

PRANAYAMA –  breath control focuses our mind and brings Prana or vital energy, to our body, mind and spirit. The breathe connects us with everything else and leads us to Union with the Divine.

RELAXATION –  of body and mind allows space for MEDITATION – and Union with the Divine.

Having recently completed a Yoga for Seniors Teacher Training, I ask for your assistance in gaining experience leading sessions, and also therefore offer these sessions by donation.

I offer a Beginners, working towards Intermediate, Yoga Session and a Chair Yoga Session for seniors or people living with a disability. This session could evolve into a general Yoga for seniors class.

Please allow me to guide you in bringing health and wellness to your Body, Mind and Spirit.

In Loving Kindness, Anita

See Events listings for details.